Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cauliflower curry

There's a certain lack of glam about winter vegetables. All those roots and brassicas can seem a bit tedious by mid-January.

Cauliflower in particular is a vegetable with which I have an ambivalent relationship. There's the lack of colour, for a start, plus that almost cabbagey whiff and the irritating habit of going from firm to disintegrating mush if you fail to pay sufficient attention when boiling it. But there's plenty of it around now, and when I've managed to get a particularly whopping specimen from the farmers' market it certainly feels good value for money.

Treated in the right way, it can be great. I loved the cauliflower cake I tried a few weeks back, and I think Indian spices are another way to add the je ne sais quoi that cauliflower can lack on its own.

This is a healthy dish, just what you need in January. I've added some interest with tomatoes and green beans too. Feel free to adjust or increase the spices as you think fit. I can't pretend this is a highly authentic Indian recipe, but it tasted pretty good.

Cauliflower, tomato and green bean curry


1 cauliflower
2 onions, diced
1-2 tins tomatoes
8oz/225g whole green beans, trimmed (frozen will work fine)
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp fenugreek
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp medium curry powder
1 small chilli, chopped small
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
coriander leaves, to taste
1 tsp vegetable oil


Heat the oil in a large pan and add the chopped onion. Stir until the onion is turning golden.

Add the garlic, then a minute later add the cauliflower and the tin(s) of tomatoes - you can use one or two depending on the size of your cauliflower and how much you like tomatoes. Add some water if necessary so there is enough liquid to steam the cauliflower, but not to cover it completely. Put a tight-fitting lid on the pan and simmer for 5 minutes.

The cauliflower should be nearly cooked - at a point when it is still slightly firm, add the green beans. Cover again and cook for around 3 minutes more or until the green beans and cauliflower are cooked.

Stir in chopped coriander leaves and serve with rice.

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