Friday, July 8, 2011

Chocolate edamame beans

Whatever next...Edamame beans, also known as soya beans, covered in chocolate.
I happened to come across these, made by Itsu, part of Metcalfe's Food Company. They tasted quite pleasant, in that they were covered in a fairly chunky layer of chocolate. The bean inside had a slight cruch but virtually no discernible flavour, which I suppose was better than it might have been.
Now there was nothing actively wrong with them, but it seemed like something that was wasting time trying to be healthy.  If you feel like chocolate, why not just eat a small amount of good-quality dark chocolate? I suppose the edamame beans add protein, but then so does a chicken leg from KFC.

I also tried some wasabi popcorn from the same company, which is a bit weird (if you haven't tried wasabi, think popcorn with horseradish) but probably is reasonably healthy. They do yoghurt coated soya beans, too. (What is it with yoghurt-coated things? Yoghurt has a reputation as a health food but by the time you add a load of sugar, is it really good for you?)
And then there are rice cakes, coated in yoghurt, milk chocolate or dark chocolate. Apparently these have "Less fat & calories than biscuits, chocolate bars". I am sure this is true, but if you eat one of those, at least you know you having a treat, the sort of thing you should eat sparingly. If you eat a yoghurt flavoured rice cake, you probably think you are eating healthily, and might eat more of them accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really interested in trying these. I'm told a sample is in the post. ITSU is really pushing the healthy lifestyle theme and the effective marketing makes them stand out. Good post.
